Building a healthy, energetic, and organized life means knowing what you're putting into your body to fuel the growth.
This book is your quick start guide where you'll get Stephanie's Top 45+ Recipes to help you get started!
Are you tired of being frustrated, living in chaos or even scared of becoming a bad health statistic?
We understand. We've been there too.
That feeling of frustration, where you feel like you've tried everything to lose the weight and you've lost the same 20 or 30 pounds over and over and it keeps finding you again.
Or...Living in chaos, where you never know what to eat, feel like there's no time to eat healthy and time is your enemy.
Or...Scared of becoming a statistic (high blood pressure, diabetes, overweight, obese, etc.) but feel like there is nothing you can do about it or have no idea where to start. Did you know that 63.2% of Americans die before their time because of lifestyle choices they have made?
Or...Stuck in the 4-day loop, where you start gung-ho on Monday but by Thursday you don't have the willpower to keep it up so you decide to wait until the next Monday to start again.
Or...You feel like your tank is always empty...physically, mentally and/or emotionally.
We teach you how to Win your order to Win your Life
When you win your week, you will gain momentum by winning one week after another…then you will soon look up and realize you’ve won your life!
This winning formula will help you create a healthy, energetic and organized lifestyle where you FINALLY...
- Are in control of your time, what you put into your body, and your emotions.
- Have the energy to do what is truly important in your life and what you love to do…
- jumping right out of bed to take on the day
- ...or being active with your kids/grandkids
- ...or having the energy to have intimacy time with your spouse/partner
- ...or running your business, or starting that side hustle you’ve always wanted to
- ...or showing up as your best self at work
- ...or being all in on your relationships
- …and so much more.
- Have the peace of mind that you will never become one of the statistics and die before your time.
- Show your kids an example of what is possible for being heathy and energetic through your 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and well into your 80’s!
- Have pride in looking in the mirror and loving what you see and more importantly, how you feel.
- Have insight into yourself and have created a better relationship with your body and with food.

1:1 Coaching
Private weekly individual coaching sessions with Jeff or Steph. Collapse time in creating your best life with one-on-one attention and accountability. Everything goes here, and the coaching is tailored specifically to you and your needs.

F&A Small Group
The name of the game is transformation in this small group coaching setting where you will Finish & Apply what you've been putting off, avoiding, are afraid of or just don't know where or how to start something you want to accomplish.

Healthy Once & For All Group
This powerful 12-week program will transform your lifeĀ & health.Ā AĀ step-by-step system with weekly coaching & accountability takes all the guesswork out of getting healthy once and for all.